The Boehringer Ingelheim cattle vaccine sales team was looking for an Express® FP premium for trade shows and sales meetings. The Express® FP "Don't Play with BVDV" campaign uses classic games like Guess Who and crossword puzzles to convey the importance of treating cows with vaccines to prevent persistently infected calves on the farm. The campaign lends itself perfectly to a custom deck of cards (hello, designer dream job!) that customers could take home and play with, all the while building brand recognition.​​​​​​​
After doing card deck research (Did you know that joker cards were first made for the game of Euchre?) and leveraging the campaign's luxe dark purple and gold color palette and distinctive line work, I designed the deck of cards to feel premium and to be functional. I created a custom pattern of suits, cows and Xs for the box and back of cards, had a lot of fun making unique crowns for each of the face cards, and utilized some of that research by designing a clown-like "persistently infected" calf/joker.
Julie Feyerer, Copywriter
Sarah Rusch, Art Director + Designer
Amanda Leacock, Creative Director
Jada Jesberg, Producer

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